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Life in the Marble Palace
A glimpse into Cliff's book,
Life in the Marble Palace (In Praise of Folly)...
It is a sacred responsibility.
In the great ideas of philosophy of Aristotle on the Perfect Life, he was asked what would be the best form of life one could live. He explains, “The best form of life, the eudaemonia outcome, given all that, would be the life of the good lawgiver.” Not the billionaire, not the priest or saint or health giver, but the legislator.
Why? Because he is immersed in the political needs and realities of his time and contributing to the “polis” (city state of Greece) through legislative activity and through his own virtuous conduct. He then can contribute in such a way that the state-country, like a person, perfects itself, and it perfects itself by regulating itself more perfectly.
- from Life in the Marble Palace